Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Representative is from the Brotherhood

Mr. Representative,
To start with I would like to congratulate you on 5 years in the House. Also, I would like to tell you that I did not vote for you. I hope you don’t get upset as I am using the same freedom right that got you there in the first place. Albeit now you are there as the peoples representative, we would like to know your program and your opinion regarding some crucial issues for the well being of the very people whom you represent.

Economic Issues: What is the Brotherhood program regarding the following issues:
1) Unified tax/Corporate tax, will these be changed or left intact?
2) Double Taxation agreements with other Arab and African countries.
3) Custom duties and the program intended to keep customs in conformity with GAT and at the mean time minimize impact on local industries
4) Fiscal policy and the Brotherhood vision of interest rates on the Egyptian Pound (well if the Brotherhood is against Bank interest do you intend to ban it altogether?)
5) Do you intend to encourage tourism (one of the major resources of Egypt) and do you have a solid plan to increase DFI (Direct Foreign Investment)?

Political Issues:
1) Will the Brotherhood preserve this same democracy that got some of its people to power?
2) Does the Brotherhood believe in basic Human Rights like freedom of thought, expression, speech and belief? (ed. Please think before answering as throughout its entire history the M. Brotherhood had a firm stand against Human Rights)
3) Would you allow non-Muslims to become governors, ministers or even school principles or will you follow the principle stating that non Muslims cannot rule over Muslims.
Health and Education:
What is the Brotherhood stand regarding the following issues:
1) Liberal education and scientific research.
2) The mixing between boys and girls in schools and universities.
3) Organs donation and transplant.
4) Men gynecologists.

Women’s Rights:
The Brotherhood stand regarding women’s rights has been always ambiguous. We need the following clarified:
1) Would women be allowed to vote, equal opportunity employment and the right to drive their cars?
2) Would you allow women governors, ministers and judges?

Egypt has been well known for its cultural contribution to the entire Arabic World, would the Brotherhood allow:
1) Creative Novelists whom their writings might prove enlightening?
2) The Cinema Industry, theatres and musical concerts?
3) Painting and sculptures of human or animal figures?

1) Would men be allowed to wear shorts or only short pants while playing any sport?
2) Would women be allowed to play Gymnastics and/or swimming?

This is the 21st century; enough playing on religious tunes to lead us back to the swamps of ancient dark ages.
We are not afraid.

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