Monday, August 25, 2008

Today Veena Died

More than 7,500 people die on Egyptian Roads Every day. We are all used to read such figures and news in the papers.

Today my friend Veena became a number in this dark and cold statistic.

At 34 years old, on Ein Sokhna Road, on a normal Friday Veena died when her car crashed and burned.

We all have so many circles of Friends: Close friends, distant friends, business colleagues and all sorts of acquaintances/relatives. I knew Veena for around 15 years. She was my sister's best friend, at one point, and has been always in my "Gray" friendship area. Up to her marriage, 5 years ago, Veena used to through a Pre-Christmas party. So, for 10 years I got invited to this event. Her close friends helped in preparing the food. Her "gray" friends were supposed to bring small gifts and everyone was supposed to exchange gifts with everyone else in the spirit of the Christmas season. In all due honesty, I never helped with food and never got gifts. However, there was no need to worry. Every year for careless outcasts like me, there was a bag of gifts that Veena prepared. Where we got our small presents and took also some to give to others.

My grandmother used to say that is one of God's blessings that we forget our departed beloved ones. Farid, Veena's son, is only 4. He does not know his loss. He will not just grow-up without the only person who will love him unconditionally; he will grow-up without the memory. How could this be a blessing?

By pure coincidence, I have met Veena less than 24 hours before she passes away. She was leaving a restaurant at the same moment I was getting in. We just bumped into each other. In a very short, common conversation, she told me that she was going through a rough patch with no further details. I told her to hang on without providing any real support. I do not feel bad about it. We shall meet again eventually. This is the only solid fact in our life.

From the pavement – Very Sad
