Yes the movie is not that good. Yet the subjects it deals with are becoming further and further an interest to everyone.
I ate my pop corn, watched the simple minded script and listened to the direct conversations of Adel Imam and Nour El Sherif. This doesn't really matter. What matters is that I remembered. I remembered how throughout my childhood and university days the issue of religion was handled so simply with no sensitivities, clinched fists and huge anger (from both sides...)
I remember that our neighbor had 2. Then she got pregnant. Although a devote Muslim she took upon herself to fast 3 days every year for Virgin Mary if she gets a girl. Now Riham is a Physician, married with 2 children and her mom is still fasting.
The first day of every Ramadan, I used to pass by my Grand Parents neighbor. Guedo Ismail used to give money to all the kids in the building on the first day of Ramadan every year (the reason he gave us the money of the first day of Ramadan and not during the Feast still is unknown till this day.) I did not live in the building. I got the money nonetheless.
And a million more example, I can remember; as I m certain that most of us do.
I always believed that we Egyptians were the happiest people on earth. While everyone else was only celebrating a certain set of holidays and vacations, we had double of everything. Egypt is the only country on this planet that celebrates two new years eves, 4 big holidays (Iftar Feast, Christmas, El Adha Feast and Easter) and Sham El Nesim that is a purely Egyptian invention.
I am Egyptian living in Cairo. I've been raised in Heliopolis and happen to be Christian.
This is what the movie is all about...