Sunday, March 23, 2008

At the Movies: The Must NOT See List

For the last couple of months, I decided to waste my spare time. Instead of doing anything useful like reading , writing, doing any activities or sports I went to the movies instead. Admittedly, it was a colossal waste …
Anyway, here is a list of the movies I saw and that I WOULD NOT ADVICE anyone to see ever, not in Cinemas, DVD's (even if you decide to buy the cheap 10 LE ones) or Showtime (even if you have the stolen decoded card)

One Missed Call:
This is the only movie that I know of recently that scored Zero in all reviews. It is perhaps one of the worst movies that I got to watch. The plot is very simple: A girl dies. After her death, her friend receives a Multimedia message. On this message, it is recorded the sound of this friend dying. The time of this message will be the time when this friend dies. When the moment comes, she dies. Another friend receives a similar message and the whole thing is repeated again. A handsome investigator gets of course involved with the girl who finally escapes it all. There is a simple twist and a reason written by a 10 year old behind the 5 or 6 deaths of course. The only good thing about this movie that it is very short, less than 1.5 hrs.

Another Super Hero movie, but this time without a super hero. The leading character of this movie has the unique ability to JUMP from one place to other. However, he does not use his POWERS for any common good. He just Jumps around, steals money and travels to different exotic destinations for the fun of it. Things cannot be left at that certainly. There is another group, that for religious reasons, hunts downs all Jumpers and kills them, our guy included of course. One thing leads to the other and the movie ends with a huge twist: The leader of the hunters is the Jumper Mom. The movie then terminates abruptly leaving you waiting for Part II. Not Me certainly…

Golden Compass:
If you are craving for a cheap copy of the Chronicles of Narnia this might be the one for you. Nicole Kidman plays the villain. But obviously she had some stomach problems and constipation during shooting. A lot of things from the original book are missing leaving the storyline with a lot of holes. After 2 hours, nothing much happens and the whole things terminates with a dialogue preparing you again for Part II. The one part movies are getting out of Fashion for the Major Studios that's for sure.
One good idea in the movies though is that every character is accompanied by an animal. This animal reflects this character's personality.
Then I imagined Egypt, 80 million people and 80 million accompanying animals. That would be a sight… and what would be these animals?? That another story.

Wait for us in Part II and more Not to See movies. In our next episode: Rendition, Vantage Point and more…